Pure Agency News

MAG Laundry Equipment: Industry Leaders.

Client Name

MAG Laundry Equipment


The brief 

We were tasked with developing a strategy to position MAG as a big player within the commercial laundry sector. Thanks to almost a decade’s worth of experience, MAG is well known for its expertise, but competes against large companies that have a monopoly on contracts. It was our job to devise a robust strategy to achieve more dominance within the sector through elevating the company profile and generating leads.

What we did

To ensure our strategy was built on insight, we audited the existing Google PPC campaign to assess landscape, target audience and current results. The audit highlighted that the cost per lead was too high, data analysis was being underutilised and that the targeting was reaching countries that MAG doesn’t supply. All of this resulted in a wasted ad spend of £4K per month.

Four Phase Strategy.

To rectify this we proposed a four-phrase integrated strategy, comprising digital marketing and PR.

From a digital perspective phase one involved a campaign restructure to improve tracking, along with moving the account to a Single Keyword AdGroup format. This alone showed an estimated £4K saving in ad spend budget. From this point, the campaign could be monitored on an ongoing basis.

The second phase of the strategy focused on introducing additional advertising channels to expand the volume of leads across Bing, Linkedin advertising and retargeting.

The third and final phase saw us build a dynamic landing page where the copy was dynamically generated by the visitors search term. This meant that every visitor was presented with a very targeted experience, which led to good UX signals to Google and a high quality score.

Underpinning all of this was a proactive and reactive media relations campaign within the trade press. Print and online publications were targeted with a variety of tactics including press releases, features, expert comment and profile opportunities. MAG’s managing director spoke on how to eliminate the COVID-19 virus through the laundry process at the height of the coronavirus pandemic. This positioned him as a thought-leader within the industry, and the head of a proactive company with the professionalism and capacity to be an authority on world-changing topics.

The Results. 

Over the course of 12 months a substantial media coverage was generated with a readership of more than one million. MAG also saw a 284% increase in enquiries, a consistently low CPA and an 84% quality lead rate.